I may be a little slow on the band wagon here but I have no problem opening pages, getting the document I want from iDisk, editing and sending it right back to iDisk with edits intact.
I can reboot the Apple TV it will ask which network to access. I point it to mine, it requests the password and it takes and then nothing shows up in iTunes. Very Frustrating.
Thank you for your response. I have set up a network using an Airport Express. Like I said the Apple TV recognizes it and log's on. I just can not see it in iTunes.
I have a MacBook Pro connected to an Airport Express and a mini WiFi network in my hotel room. The Apple TV connects fine to the network however I can not see it in iTunes. Any solutions?
P.S. New Mac user (MacDummy)
Thank you all for your information. I has been so valuable to myself. Everything is now fixed.
It was all my fault. I was using to much band width on their server and my IP was blocked. It took them 3 weeks to figure that one out. Go figure.
Thank you again for your information,
Don't you...
Nothing has worked. Reset Safari, reboot, reset PRAM all in various orders. Still the same. Next step for me will be to take it out for dinner on Saturday when I get home from work. Panarea Bread and see if it will hook into their public WiFi. I'll be crossing fingers toes and whatever I can...
Thanks for both replies. I have rebooted, reset PRAM and still the same. It has been 3 weeks since this has happened. I have restored the entire system and it is currently with out power (battery out and without wall power). I will restart everything when I get home from work tomorrrow. Reset...
After purchasing a new MacBook Pro approx a month ago. Everything worked great. Internet connection went perfect (even though I'm in a hotel for the next 9 months). After 3 weeks of use I am no longer able to connect to the internet. All indications are that I am connected to the hotel network...