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  1. G

    iPhoto for windows !!!???

    ....? you are definitely not including me on this just cause i defended myself from other veteren users in this forum, now is that right duckie ?
  2. G

    iPhoto for windows !!!???

    then fine, its mutual. We both got off, my bad i continued it, sorry (it looked like i was attacked from all sides). I understand your feelings, i would be worried if apple loses from that, but gladly its the opposite. And by the way, those who are satisfied with the skinning and...
  3. G

    iPhoto for windows !!!???

    who's cheap you prick!? i barely have money to afford rent and i got an imac just cause i love macs and i want to have one! the fact they are awfully expensive doesnt mean people are cheap shit! Also, WTF do you turn it personal and call me a theif?! did i make those applications...
  4. G

    iPhoto for windows !!!???

    . Serpicolugnut, no need to get personal there, i wasnt saying anything against you - please. According to what you say, those 100 people who claim "hey, ive got the look, why spend the $$$ to get the real thing" wouldnt even think or know how to spell a mac without those sites in the first...
  5. G

    iPhoto for windows !!!???

    Krevinek Im not really worried if he will have to discontinue his his product, yeah i guess its illegal. I can live with that fact. The problem is this thread has a very clear tone of opposing those skinning communities. This issue is pretty major in the current topic as i saw, although not...
  6. G

    iPhoto for windows !!!???

    Hello all, thats my first post here. I'd like to say to all the mac elitists out there that im a long-time user of aqua-soft, one site out of a large community which emulates the mac LOOK on the pc ( the site which got one of your user's attention), and what bugs me is the fanatism and ease of...