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  1. M

    How do I uninstall AppCleaner?

    Too funny - thanks for the much needed laugh!
  2. M

    How do I uninstall AppCleaner?

    Ha, that's what I was starting to think!
  3. M

    How do I uninstall AppCleaner?

    Thanks, so far so good!
  4. M

    How do I uninstall AppCleaner?

    I've tried that several times, however all that does it remove it from the dock. Nothing appears in the trash, so there is nothing to empty and appcleaner is still in my apps, both in spotlight and finder.
  5. M

    How do I uninstall AppCleaner?

    I downloaded it some time ago and don't care for it. However, I can't find a way to uninstall it and have been searching for an answer for quite awhile. Any help would be appreciated. I have a 2008 iMac running Leopard 10.5.8 if that makes any difference. Thanks!
  6. M

    Apple Releases 10.5.8 Update

    Yep, odd. I got the update thingy on my dock on my iMac, but not on my MB. Seems to work the same as the others, I haven't noticed anything different - good or bad.