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  1. D

    Snes9x and controller woes.

    Resetting the SMC didn't do anything. Anyone have any other ideas? I swear macs are cursed when it comes to anything gaming related.
  2. D

    Snes9x and controller woes.

    ElDiablo, thanks, I'll try that. Satcomer, you are missing the point. The power outage isn't the cause of the problem, it was the first time I noticed it. It happens randomly whenever I turn off my computer.
  3. D

    Snes9x and controller woes.

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and have a problem haha. Anwyay, I have been getting a huge cravings to go back and replay all the old school SNES RPGs that I used to love, but my SNES is broken :( I downloaded snes9x and some roms and everything installed fine. I borrowed a Microsoft...