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    How to move emails from PC Vista to iMac?

    Thanks Randy - Aid4Mail reads WinMail but Emailchemy doesn't include it in its list. I'll try the demo of each.
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    How to move emails from PC Vista to iMac?

    OK, but my problem is with WinMail, not with Outlook - we don't even have Outlook. I want to move messages from WinMail in Vista to Mail in OSX. Any ideas?
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    How to move emails from PC Vista to iMac?

    It's definitely WinMail, a different app to Outlook and apparently people have great difficulty moving mail from WinMail on Vista to Outlook on XP. (I think WinMail doesn't run in XP).
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    How to move emails from PC Vista to iMac?

    She was using WinMail (Windows Mail?). Does that make a difference? Thanks for the URL - it looks very helpful.
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    How to move emails from PC Vista to iMac?

    My wife has a dell PC running Vista. She got so fed up with it that she bought me a new iMac, commandeered my old one and ditched the Dell. She would really like to get access to her Vista emails on her iMac. Is this possible? We're both running Windows XP in VMWare Fusion if that would help...
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    Does Time Machine work after a total crash?

    Is Time Machine useful after a total crash? If my computer dies and I have to do a clean install (or if I buy a new computer), it seems to me that TM will only work if I re-create the exact configuration of folders. Is this the case? if so, it would seem advisable to have a separate backup...
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    Can't connect Airport Express

    My thanks to all who contributed to this thread - through your assistance and a bit of bumbling on my part, all is now working on the Mac. Now to tackle Windows XP in Fusion on the Mac and a separate Windows Vista machine!
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    Can't connect Airport Express

    I did a hard reset of the AE and I'm now connected to the internet. The one remaining problem is that my printer (HP P1006 LaserJet) doesn't appear to be connected - it's plugged in to the AE and it appears in the Airport Utility summary. Do I need to do something else?
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    Can't connect Airport Express

    I understand what you're saying - my concern was that there was no point in providing all the info if the iMac wasn't properly configured anyway. OK - I've used the Airport CD to set up Airport Utility and to successfully install the Airport Express. Airport is turned on in System Preferences...
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    Can't connect Airport Express

    I'm unable to get my Airport Express to connect to my 2006 Intel iMac (the one with a max of 2GB RAM). Should it connect or did this model not have Airport capability? Does it need an Airport card (like where would you put it?)? Do I need a separate modem or can I hook it into a PPPoE input?