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  1. W

    Maximize Windows

    Hi! Thanks for your answers! I think you are, right but a little tool that changes the behavior of the windows to a windows-like one would be nice, especially for newbies! Bye, Michi
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    Maximize Windows

    Hi guys! I've switched from Windows/Linux to Mac. I use OS X and I want to maximize windows. Yes that's all I want, to maximize windows! When I click the green button it only zooms to a size, the application thinks is enough. But sometimes I want to maximize the window, no matter if it seems...
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    Hi! I want to buy an iPod, but first I want to know if it works on my PC too. But there's not Windows running on the PC (that would be too easy ;) ), but Linux is running on the PC. Are there drivers for the iPod and Linux? (And I don't want to flash the firmware, because I also want to use it...
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    Classic error after update

    Hi! When I attempt to start the classic enviroment in os x the following message appears: (I translated it from german) Error while updating the resources: When attempting to update your systemfolder with classicspecific resources, an error occured. The original message: Fehler beim...
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    finder - windowsize

    Hi slur! It works great but is it also possible to attach the script to all folders? I only attached it to the most important ones, but it would be nice to activate this globally! Thanks for your advice, Michi
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    finder - windowsize

    Hi! I want that the finder automatically optimizes the size of the window when I open a new one. (just like I klick on the gree button) Is there any posibilty to configure that? Thanks for your answer, Michi
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    MathCAD or something similar??

    Thanks a lot for all your answers, I use the equation editor of apple works now. It also works with ms office x. For more complicated things I use Mathcad (I had the win-version) which I have installed with vpc6. Michi
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    Is the airport fully wlan compatible??

    Hi! Thanks for your answer, I'll buy the access-point next week probably, I'll post wheter it works. Otherwise I know that I can give it back to the shop. Michi
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    Is the airport fully wlan compatible??

    Hi! I've got a build in airport-card in my iBook, and I want to buy a wlan access-point. There're very cheap one's (only 100€ or so), and I don't want to buy the expensive airport station from apple. Will my airport work with an ordinary wlan accespoint? Thanks for your answers, Michi
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    MathCAD or something similar??

    Hi! I'm using an iBook at school, and most of the time I need a program to write equations. I've already installed MS Office X but there's not even an equation editor like in the Win-Version! My favourite is MathCAD, but it seems to be very expensive therefore I'm searching for a free program...
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    What is the cdrom called in the /dev Directory??

    I simply guessed some commands and so I found the df command. I should have known it before (because of Linux) but I have Linux installed only for 5 months now. My CD is /dev/disk1s0! You are right, that VPC would be better than Bochs but it´s soo expensive! I'm installing win98 in Bochs at...
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    What is the cdrom called in the /dev Directory??

    Hi! I want to install Bochs and therefore I must know the name of the CD Drive in the /dev Directory. How can I find it out or is there a standard name for CD drives? Please, help me I'm new with OS X but I had Linux before... Thanks for your time, Michi My System: iBook2.2...