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  1. T

    what should a designer's resume look like?

    No reason not to go for both.
  2. T

    yet another newbie introduces himself

    Hmm...sith lord... ::tries on name, looks in mirror:: hey, it fits! i'm somewhere sub-verteran, in the category of people who are always amazed by how little they know
  3. T

    yet another newbie introduces himself

  4. T

    [HOWTO] - Use Firewire "target" mode

    Question: when I do FW "target" mode, the target disk doesn't always show up in my host finder. Sometimes I log out and in and it shows up, but sometimes I have to reboot. Anyone know what's going on? The Apple FAQ just says,
  5. T

    yet another newbie introduces himself

    hello all. i'm new to the fora and my favorite icon is .