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  1. nerv82

    how to install XDarwin

    I use fink to install xdarwin, check in /Applications/Utilities/ for the error. In fink you install xdarwin and also it install with xdarwin a windowmanager do you have your .xinitrc in your home directory? Fink: there you can find all the...
  2. nerv82

    [HOWTO] - Setup PHP & MySQL

    I use fink to install mysql. fink is very usefull for that type of things. If i want to install mysql i just need to open terminal then user%fink install mysql if i want to remove it i just user%fink remove mysql downloaded from
  3. nerv82

    [HOWTO] - Setup PHP & MySQL

    Panther comes allready with php4 you just have to open the terminal and type => $cd /etc/httpd/ here is were you configure your Apache Second step is to check if you uncomment the module $cat httpd.conf | grep php4 #LoadModule php4_module libexec/httpd/ AddModule...
  4. nerv82

    [FAQ] - UNIX basics for newbies

    I need to do an at, but it never work? bash2.05$at -f file 3AM Job a010f3ca4.000 will be executed using /bin/sh but never execite the job why? Thanks
  5. nerv82

    how to import a file to mysql

    I have a file in excel and i need to import that to my data base how can do this? thanks nerv82
  6. nerv82

    [q] ppp

    hi, I start X11 directly from console, i notice that the configurations change. I would like to connect to the internet using ppp but I don't know how to connect. In debian i use pppconfig and pon to connect but how can i do that in darwin? Somebody know how to configure this? thanks.