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  1. M

    My Finder window got all jumbled, screenshot attached!

    thanks so much for the help guys, i will look into this tomorrow...ya, i forgot to say, its a laptop...and i do have the packaging it came in, along with the recipet as well in case i need that...i will let u know how it goes.
  2. M

    My Finder window got all jumbled, screenshot attached!

    ok i backed up my data, i have 2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 2GB 667Mhz DDR2 SDRAM white macbook 13.3" the HD really going bad??? couldnt find anything in the stickies...
  3. M

    My Finder window got all jumbled, screenshot attached!

    what should i look for when i run the disk utility? it said i had a problem when i tried to verify it and after i repaired it it still said i have a problem (invalid number of packets)...i just bought this laptop 2 months ago so i would be surprised if the HD is already failing!
  4. M

    My Finder window got all jumbled, screenshot attached!

    i dont know why, but this randomly happens when i open a new finder window...any help greatly appreciated! also my airport just deleted all my networks, do i have some kind of virus??? i dont have any antivirus software