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  1. C

    Is my MacBook HD cooked?

    It turns out the HD was cooked but Apple replaced it with a new 160gb HD because the original hard drive was one of the faulty ones Apple is replacing for free. So thanks a bunch DeltaMac for pointing me to the program Mac is offering. And thanks to Apple too. C.
  2. C

    Is my MacBook HD cooked?

    Thanks to both for the suggestions, I will follow up on them and hopefully find a solution. C.
  3. C

    Is my MacBook HD cooked?

    I have a Macbook about 4 years old that suddenly started making a clicking sound when I start up and I get the flashing folder with ?. I restarted with the OSX system disc but when I get to the step to select a destination volume, there is no volume listed. I also tried restarting holding...