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  1. M

    Intel core duo iMac reinstall / restore

    Thanks. Ran the short hardware test before anything else and it tested ok but having got knowhere I'll try the extended test option. If it is a hard drive failure that's not very good, the machine is less than two years old and apart from systems and applications, everything else is stored on...
  2. M

    Intel core duo iMac reinstall / restore

    Drive genius wouldn't start up. Back to square one. Thanks for your help.
  3. M

    Intel core duo iMac reinstall / restore

    Thanks. I have pro soft "drive genius" any use?
  4. M

    Intel core duo iMac reinstall / restore

    Hi, I sent a 200 word+ explanation but that seems to have been lost! I shall try again! But firstly, to answer your questions; iMac (8,1) intel Core 2 Duo 3.06 Ghz 4GB RAM Boot ROM Version IM81.00C1.B00 ICH8-M AHCI 465.76GB ATA The problem: black curtain of doom descended on start...
  5. M

    Intel core duo iMac reinstall / restore

    Hi, I'm having problems reinstalling / installing OS X on a 24