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  1. M

    You gotta be kidding

    I think most users will acclimate to the differences in UI if it relieves them from the bomb. In your argument, you are mixing the concepts of what a novice user and an advance user would do. In Mac OS9, does a novice user munge resources to customize finder? Does an advanced user. Does...
  2. M

    Darwin 1.2.1 is for what?

    You can use the updated Darwin. I did, but it was not worth the trouble. You have to do a lot of manipulation. I did this as an exersise of understanding the underlying os. If you are a developer, you can got to Apples cvs website and download and build updated components. Michael
  3. M

    how do i access my computer from the road?

    Your machine is going to need a static IP address. I would got to and follow the instructions for installing OpenSSH. Then you can access the command line of your Mac using one of the RSH applications. At the curent time, you can not access the Quartz interface. This...