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  1. M

    Cannot load a particular page I have always been able to load.

    I just left APPLE for the 3rd time, with a 3rd piece of advice, and this one worked. I disabled my 2 wire, bought the airport express and I have not had and "Server unable to respond" Therefore, it has worked for the situation I posted. Apple techs were perplexed until some of them experienced...
  2. M

    Cannot load a particular page I have always been able to load.

    Get rid of any two wire wireless systems and use the airport wireless with a modem. Apple and two wire wireless do not speak. Will cause these issues.
  3. M

    Several programs not responding

    In safari and iMac 10 .58 I had constant problems with sever not responding. I replaced my wireless modem twice. From AT&T to net gear wireless modem. No change. Then had AT&T come to my home and could not find anything wrong. Then went to apple three times before I had a genius at the genius...
  4. M

    Safari cant find server

    Imac and macbook same issue. Time out and can not get a connection to anywhere unless I use my back browser then hit search again then it connects. Reset safari, no help, emptied cache no help. Did not delete Plist from library.