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  1. P

    Ical Duplicate Removal

    I know this has probably been asked several times but I have not seen a script / answer that solves the problem for Tiger. Any ideas or references to other sites that may have the script I'm looking for. Basic requirements is to remove multiple calendar entries created during mis-syncing...
  2. P

    10.3.3 Not recognizing Lexar JumpShot

    I've just run the software installer update to Panther 10.3.3 and find that my Lexar 1GB memory card is no longer recognized when using the jump shot USB cable. Works fine if I connect the camera to the PC. However as the jump shot is about 10x faster than a normal usb download from the cameraq...
  3. P

    Kernel instability, 10.2.5

    I must admit that since 10.2.5 I have had many "International Screen of Death" messages. I'm afraid that O've also updated my memory a few days before so am not sure where the problem came from. It does seem to be worse when I have my scanner or multiple USB devices active. TechTool also, as...