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  1. E

    Partition External Drive

    You're right, 6 hours is not bad. I just went ahead and formatted the drive instead. It took about a day to do everything but it worked. Thanks for your help.
  2. E

    Partition External Drive

    Is there a way to partition an external drive without actually wiping the content of the drive? If so, can one partition be HFS and the other FAT32? The data on the drive is backed up, but if I wipe it to just partition and move the data back it would take 6+ hours to restore the data...
  3. E

    Making Domain accounts Local Admins

    I figured it out. To make restricted domain accounts local admins without creating a local admin account for them. You will need to get there log-in username only. On the system that they will be admin to, open terminal and type in sudo dscl . -append /Groups/admin GroupMembership "Enter...
  4. E

    Making Domain accounts Local Admins

    I'm trying to figure out how to make a domain account a local admin. Usually we would not make them admins because we have students using the systems. But, now we have instructors/chairmen that have Macs that need to be local admins. How would I make them local admins? The OS we are running is...
  5. E

    Tweak User Profile.

    Hi Everyone, I have a few questions about tweaking a custom default profile that new users will be able to use on Snow Leopard. First thing first, I know how to create a default user profile and replace the one that apple puts in templates, so I'm good there. But, my question is, is it possible...