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  1. S

    Make it go away

    Thanks all. I found the shortcut but the post went into moderation for some reason - and, I swear, no one was sacrificed.
  2. S

    Make it go away

    And the answer is Command + F5. Interesting app but Jeebus.
  3. S

    Make it go away

    Thanks, J.D. It's VoiceOver. I figured out how to close the box but not how to turn off the goddamned app (just kill the volume). It's controlled with control+option key commands but, of course, help, the Voiceover utility, preferences, etc., are all useless in finding out what combination - is...
  4. S

    Make it go away

    OK, I've looked around to try to avoid asking this stupid question, I give up. The cat decided to dance across the keyboard of my wife's Mac Book Pro (running 10.6.6) and now there's a narrow horizontal black box with rounded corners (and no closing icon) that describes the location of where...