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  1. J

    Old Imac refuses to boot anything other than internal HD

    Where would that be? The right-click thing is the only way I can think of, and that locks up the content window completely. I know it can't run 10.6 I think we had a misunderstanding. Before, I was talking about the 10.6 disc refuses access to Disk Utility and everything was greyed out. That is...
  2. J

    Old Imac refuses to boot anything other than internal HD

    It is already running several version newer than it is supposed to be able to handle. How far do you think I want to update this POS or need to? 10.6.8? Nah... Maybe this quote from the instruction will explain it better? Funny thing is I never had to use that password, when it rebooted after...
  3. J

    Old Imac refuses to boot anything other than internal HD

    The provider of this image warned against updating. Apparently if you even go to 10.5.7 it breaks it. Don't want to risk it. Right now just looking to cut my lost time and GTFO of this computer. 360p used to have slightly skipped audio and 1 FPS, now it is 3-5 fps and smooth audio. Good enough.
  4. J

    Old Imac refuses to boot anything other than internal HD

    It finally rebooted and is running 10.5.6! The videos still skip but I'm looking into mactubes and something else right now.
  5. J

    Old Imac refuses to boot anything other than internal HD

    It looks like it is hanging at the end, says "Installing Mac OS X on the volume "untitled". Time remaining: About a minute. It has said this for about 2 hours :(
  6. J

    Old Imac refuses to boot anything other than internal HD

    Point taken. I found a lot of useful software tricks that I plan to test once I get it up and running to see which is best. Care to take a guess as to which is the best one to try first? note: the most promising sounding solutions are in the...
  7. J

    Old Imac refuses to boot anything other than internal HD

    ETA on install is almost 4 hours. Hahah this slow mofo.
  8. J

    Old Imac refuses to boot anything other than internal HD

    I realize that, but it's odd that the Disk Utility is greyed out and it won't let you do anything. On the 10.5 disc it wasn't like this, and it's installing now that I faked my cpu to 867mhz
  9. J

    Old Imac refuses to boot anything other than internal HD

    Disregard, I'm an idiot. One of the 10.5 discs I was able to get to boot. Apparently I gave up after the popup saying its not compatible with this system. On the 10.6 all the options were greyed out so no Disk Utility, but I was able to load it from the 10.5 disc. Currently restoring the...
  10. J

    Old Imac refuses to boot anything other than internal HD

    My #1 priority is booting to a non-mounted HD environment. Just a bootCD with Disk Utility on it would be perfect, as I'm already following another guide and have a 12GB image that is ready to go.
  11. J

    Old Imac refuses to boot anything other than internal HD

    Also, what is your take on why I can't get any of these 10.4 discs to boot? I usually just get a flashing icon between finder and "?" even though I stopped trying to use an external drive.
  12. J

    Old Imac refuses to boot anything other than internal HD

    Technically the latest OSX supported for it is 10.4.11 and this is what is installed now. I have read of many people getting 10.5 to run on it by restoring the HD to a special 10.4 image for <867Mhz CPUs that someone made. Unfortunately the only way to do this seems to be by running one of 2...