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  1. W

    Assigning limited admin rights to install programs

    The DCs are all 2008. I think the best option would be to restrict access to Prefs\Accounts to only the root user. Is something like that possible?
  2. W

    Assigning limited admin rights to install programs

    Another option would be to make a user an admin which would be restricted from being able to access the Accounts preferences. Then local accounts couldn't be created or other account made into admins which is the main concern. How would one go about that?
  3. W

    Assigning limited admin rights to install programs

    All Macs are bound to Active Directory and users are not admins so currently they cannot install programs. We only want to give certain users install rights.
  4. W

    Assigning limited admin rights to install programs

    Is there a particular group that has the permissions needed to install programs? Anyone got a source where I can check out exactly what groups like _developer, _installer, staff, wheel, and ect ect are designed for?
  5. W

    Assigning limited admin rights to install programs

    Greetings How can I go about giving a managed network user account rights to install programs but not create local accounts, change permissions, un-bind from the domain and other system management stuff like that? much thanks - BW
  6. W

    10.6.8 loosing recent document, stickies, history after reboot

    Greetings, first post here. I support a researcher who, as the title says, started loosing his recent documents, stickies, and internet history after a reboot. I suspect this started by him trying to Time Machine his system to before it was joined to our AD and became managed. Since the one...