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  1. T


    OK OK apologies, geez I am using DP4 So kill me! :) No really I have been using DP4 because the beta is hard to get in australia,as soon as i can i will get it.
  2. T

    Internet Explorer

    mainly am using it because it is hard to get the beta in australia, and as yet have been unable to get a copy of the final beta.
  3. T

    Internet Explorer

    yeah i am running dp4. what else didn;t work in dp4?
  4. T


    Ok so appletalk doesn;t work, how about TCP/IP can i connect to network drives via tcp/ip?
  5. T

    Classic revisted

    I have 9.04 installed on the first of 2 partitions. Running on a G4 450 with 256 mb ram / 20 gb hd. And it flat out does not work. Have set extensions to base set. Infact very little does, internet explorer, will not even load. I am getting really shafted by this beta, thank god i...
  6. T

    Internet Explorer

    ok will give it a try, by the way, (this gonna seem really dumb) but i couldn;t even figure outr how to create a new usr. It seems as if that feature is deactivated on mine.
  7. T

    Internet Explorer

    has the beta expired for ie for os x maybe???
  8. T

    Internet Explorer

    a G4 450 / 256 MB Ram and 20 GB HD
  9. T


    The classic environment, begins to load, I get the windows with the mac smiling in it, and then just closes? what am i doing wrong? i have mac os 9 installed on a second partition.
  10. T

    Internet Explorer

    Internet Explorer will not run, the application which somes with the OS does nothing when double clicked or openned.
  11. T


    I have just installed the beta, and i cant browse or see any other computers on my network. I go to the network section in the finder, and then to servers, but there is nothing there. I have configured tcp/ip and appletalk We have a AppleShare Server, a Windows 2000 server that can be...