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  1. T

    Unable to download dmg files after BigSur 11.6.7 update ... and worse.

    Tried this, but to no avail. If I have time this evening, I'll download a dmg to install Chrome and perhaps use it? If you think of anything else to try please let me know. Fortunately, I don't see many big updates from my client software packages this week ... let's hope that I'm able to...
  2. T

    Unable to download dmg files after BigSur 11.6.7 update ... and worse.

    Followed your instructions, resetting all to "default." I closed and re-opened Safari. Then, I attempted to download Chrome, for example. Essentially I see the same behavior. Nothing appears in the Downloads folder.
  3. T

    Unable to download dmg files after BigSur 11.6.7 update ... and worse.

    Don't know if you've looked at this thread in a while ... I'd already checked the system preferences -Security & Privacy and no those settings were as I'd always had them: "App store and identified developers". IIRC, this problem arose after installing the last updates which, I believe, were...
  4. T

    Unable to download dmg files after BigSur 11.6.7 update ... and worse.

    Thanks but I checked that ... days ago. As an experiment, I went to GForce (music software) and attempted to download a ZIP file that I had previously downloaded on the old machine. Guess what ... the dialogue goes through the motions, opens the Downloads directory in my account, but writes...
  5. T

    Unable to download dmg files after BigSur 11.6.7 update ... and worse.

    I recently purchased this refurbished Mac. I restored its state from a TimeMachine backup, following the "standard procedures" for doing this. The previous machine had peacefully co-existed with these software packages (which are 64-bit, etc.) that I had downloaded and installed in the usual...