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    wireless printing?

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    Where to start USB Development?

    Hi folks, I'm new to apple usb development. I got an USB Voltmeter and want to read the data from the device into my iBook. Where do I get information about usb and apple? I read the usb hid specifications from and got some information from, but this wasn't...
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    C++: clrscr() and getch() ?

    clrscr() clears the console screen and getch() is an input function for one single character ...
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    C++: clrscr() and getch() ?

    Hi folks, I'm seeking for an unix/osx replacement for getch() and clrscr()? any ideas? thanks a lot
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    USB with Objective-C?

    @arden: I have experience in c++, java and php, so I'll make my way with Objective-C. ;) I need this program for school, and since there's no aqua/cocoa for c++ I had to work with Obj-C.
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    USB with Objective-C?

    thanks. I found some stuff at and I also tried the usb/SimpleExample, but it doesn't work. The USBProber craches if I want to log the USB stuff ... I'll wait for panther and the new development environment, maybe I shot something usb related in the current os. :(
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    USB with Objective-C?

    Hi folks, well, I'll want to write my first application in Objective-C after learning the tutorial. It should be a little application to get a value out of an USB device. Anyone can give me a hint where to start with a USB connection? How do I identify the device, how to read/write data...
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    SSH Launcher Utilty - need help!

    Hi, I want to code me a little helper to store ssh connections on the desktop and create an 'adressbook' with ssh connections. What language do you recommend? C++? AppleScript? Where to start with AppleScript? thanks a lot
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    How does an update procedure works?

    Hi, osx 10.3 will be there soon and I want to update vom 10.2 to 10.3 then. So, how does this procedure works? I got those green software coupons, what I have to do with them? Where do I get the update? Thanks for any help
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    iBook :: longer battery lifetime?

    thanks a lot. :)
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    iBook :: longer battery lifetime?

    thank you both for the advises. @hulkaros: What exactly do you mean with 'maintaining' the system? so long
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    iBook :: longer battery lifetime?

    Hi Sam, Well, I there's the option 'Longest Battery Lifetime' set in the Energy Saver menu. Are there any other powersaving options? By the way, I have the basic iBook with 256Mb RAM. Do you suggest to add another 256Mb? thanks
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    iBook :: longer battery lifetime?

    Hi, I'm using my iBook at school, just for typinig text and programming. With my current system settings (Longest Battery Lifetime, no sound, screen less lighted) the battery holds up to 4 hours. But there was something written about 6 hours in the product description. Any idea how it is...
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    Cocoa with C++?

    Hi, thanks for the answers. @Lycander: You're right, mixing Objective-C and C++ is not what I want to do. :( The Cocoa framework could be loaded into a C++ project, but I couldn't find any way to interact with this framework. The only way, I think, is to hope apple will bring C++/Cocoa...
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    Cocoa with C++?

    Hi, well, I'm new to software programming with mac osx (not software programming itself. ;)). I read the tutorial about Cocoa and Objective C and began to enjoy Cocoa. But I don't like Objective C, it's not very sensefull in my eyes (programmed in java and c++ before). Well, could anybody...
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    wireless printing?

    k. Thank's for your replies. Maybe I'll get a cheap USB printer at ebay. Don't want to mess up with this lpt shit.
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    wireless printing?

    hmm, sounds nice. I have an old HP-69?C printer in my sister's room, but no pc or printserver I could plug it to. :( Maybe I'll buy an lpt to usb/bluetooth adaptor. The actual bluetooth technology has a range of 100 meters. ;) thanks. ::angel:: edited the quote-tag for better reading.
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    wireless printing?

    Hi, I read in the description of AirPort that it's possible to print with wireless connected printers. What do I need to do so? And, how is it possible to print over bluetooth? thanks a lot. :cool:
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    Rendevous with Bluetooth and other operating systems?

    Hi, could anybody tell me if (and how) rendevous over bluetooth is possible? Do I have to configure anything after pluggin' in the bluetooth usb stick? And, is there a way to communicate with linux and windows computers with rendevous? Some kind of collaborative writing (like...
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    J2ME Programming, build problems

    Hi, I wrote a little application to test my java environment for j2me programming. I got the build.xml (see below) from But while compiling with ant there's an error. The jad file could not be copied. I looked in the bin folder and there was just the jar file after...