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  1. L

    Problems mounting removable media - can't reload system

    So, I have recently began having problems mounting any type of removable media, from firewire hard drives, CD's, A USB Dazzle Media card reader, etc. I found some very helpful artciles abpout checking the etc/hostconfig file. I have rewritten it countless times via pico, and the file appears...
  2. L

    Unfreakin' real: csh-2.05a#

    Hi, just jumping in on this thread because I am exactly where timzilla was. turn on computer, grey on grey apple with the sh-2.05a# prompt when I logout I get "etc/rc: /etc/hostconfig: no such file or directory" SO, in reading this i didn't see how to overcojme this, except to boot in OS 9...
  3. L

    booting in Shell

    Hello, I havbe a MAC G4 running 10.2.8. Initially there was a problem recognizing any volumes. Couldn't see CD's, External firewire drive, smart media USB plug. So I was "tinkering" in terminal. NOW.... nothing. When I try to start the machine the grey on grey apple comes up, stops almost...