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  1. C

    no 1600x1200 on a cinema display?

    I have a 15" studio display and noticed that I was not able to select 640 x 480 under X ( not that I want to just to see if I could). look under your display settings under the system preferences panel and make sure that "recomended settings" is unchecked. I was able to select 640 x 480 then...
  2. C

    Apple feedback

    Apple is gearing up for feedback that might get noticed. For those of us who have used it the last couple of days, I would suggest going here:
  3. C

    Panic problems on Cube

    After having OS X Retail on my cube for a couple of days I have run into fewer problems by staying away from Classic as much as possible. The first day I had it on my 450 cube I just went ahead and tried using classic starting up when X started. I had many kernel panics with that setup and...
  4. C

    Noticed Quirks OS X

    I'm glad that people are starting to respond! I have looked up the kernel panic problem and have just decided to boot into 9.1 and use it for a while until I figure it out further. As far as the RAM goes, I took a gamble and just bought some really cheap online. I like not using VM with image...
  5. C

    Panic problems on Cube

    I have had the same thing, kernel panic, happen 3 distinct times on my cube. I have 832 MB of RAM 64 being Original, 256 that ClubMac gave me, and 512 that I ordered from a low-priced RAM outfit. I didn't have any problems instlaling like the above post, but have had problems with the kernel...
  6. C


    I have also had that same problem but I didn't know where it was stemming from. I had Classic open when OS X started automaticly. I was able to just type "Shift - Quote - r" and it restarted.
  7. C

    Noticed Quirks OS X

    Okay, i've posted some replys to another post, but I thought I'd just make a new one and list what I've encountered so far. Again, no complaints, just stuff I've noticed in the final build. 1. No support for Apple Studio Display 15" TFT Monitor Control Panel. 2. OS 9.1 always, when...
  8. C

    The first REAL crash

    Forgot to post this in my last post. If you drag something off of the dock, it makes a little "POOF" graphic, like it is magically disappearing. Once I dragged an icon off the dock and it got halfway through "POOF-ing" and there was part of the smoke left. Didn't seem like a re-draw type...
  9. C

    The first REAL crash

    I have a copy of the final build and have noticed that Mail can crash pretty easily. I made a couple of new mail boxes and was just dragging an e-mail message that had lots of images in it that weren't quite fully loaded. Dragged the e-mail from my inbox to another folder within Mail and Mail...
  10. C


    I to was able to purchase a version of OS X from Staples. I called around and found one that had it and was able to hold it for me until I picked it up. Guess they must not know or enforce any policy that requires them to hold of sales until the 24th.