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  1. R

    Can't Download - Help!!

    Did you check to see that your Hard Drive permissons have been set back to what they were before as well as Repair Permissions ?
  2. R

    Can't Download - Help!!

    Ok a good piece of advice... Never change the permissions on your Hard Drive. You may not even be able to boot from it afterwards. I suggest you cahnge permissions back to System, remove Norton, restart and then try again.
  3. R

    Turning on Personal Web Sharing..!!!

    Did you check the crash logs in Console ? Please post it here so everybody can take a peek at what is causing the issue right now. If you think it may just be Apache not starting up, you can try typing in the terminal:
  4. R

    vpn assistance

    First thing I'm wondering about is what are you trying to do exactly with this setup ? Why block all VPN but those two ? Also, are those two machines on the same network ? Just that yopu post states what your doing not what your trying to acheive...
  5. R

    Access my iBook from another Computer?

    Personnaly first thing I recommend if you wish to set this up is to have a good router between your IBook and the net. Thats a precaution to take whatever the type of sharing you wish to do.
  6. R

    Distortions on my secondary monitor

    Depends what Repair permissions did repair. May have been that the standard monitor profile for your second monitor had gotten set so that your system could not read it (why would it happen only when you login ? When the system loads services and such before the login screen, its all done by...
  7. R

    Can't Download - Help!!

    Any system protection software ? What do you have as anti-virus and firewall ? any packet filtering ? sniffing tool ?
  8. R

    [HOWTO] - Share one OSX account with XP

    Why not simply enable sharing on the PC to a specific folder (such as My Documents), the use connect to server on the Mac, type smb://thePC's IP, select the right folder, type your user name and apss for the PC and click Ok... Then just dump all the Mac files... ok it does keep the dotted files...
  9. R

    Question about starting to build websites

    Ok.. so can you give me an idea ? Just that I'm not sure how to procede... I basically know how to kill processes, but not start them up... or which one to sttart for Apache 2... One question though.. will I have to start it manually each time I restart the computer ?
  10. R

    Question about starting to build websites

    Ok, so I installed Apache 2... Looks real nice, good documentation... opther installs such as MySQL and PHP went over well too. I was able to acces the locahost file through Safari.. All was nice in happy land. Then I restarted... And now Apache 2 will not even startup. Even if I use the...
  11. R

    Question about starting to build websites

    Hi, I'm just starting withg HTML and web site development... I'd like to hear suggestions for good "how to's" or good links on getting started on Mac (including the Apache part, php, java, etc... idealy even using it with SQL further down the road) ... I know that for the PC side there is...