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  1. M

    Apple's wireless mouse

    The included batteries will last about 3 months (of regular use). But Apple gives you Premium Energizer E2 Photo Lithium AA batteries. If you decide to use regular alkaline batteries, they won't last as long.
  2. M

    Apple's Other Hardware Hit

    I read that before. I think it's AWESOME that Apple is #2 in WiFi sales.
  3. M

    Napster's fading... fast

    I would cry, but I just don't care. :P
  4. M

    Apple's Quicktime Encoding

    MPEG-4 is NOT open source. It is an open standard. A company (or person) has to liscense the technology from the owner to use it, and I don't believe (correct me if I am wrong) they can tinker with the actual codec (not referring to the settings, the actual technology).