Search results

  1. anothertwitch

    Line-in port == Mysterious Critter?

    Lets see if I can make this real simple: TV Card Audio Out => Mac Line In -- no workie Ancient APPLE mic works on pc SB16 - does not work when plugged into APPLE line in If you wish to hear the tv audio, you _must_ patch it back into the audio system (or connect directly to external...
  2. anothertwitch

    Line-in port == Mysterious Critter?

    Is there some unknown majick to making the line-in port work? I have an old apple mic which works great on the SB16 line-in on my PC, but cant seem to get any input level indication on any of the software I've used (system prefs/sound and audacity, now itv). surely the line-in on my mac is...
  3. anothertwitch

    Need a b00st loading a kernel module

    Is there some unknown majick to making line-in work? I have an old apple mic which works great on the SB16 line-in on my PC, but cant seem to get any input level indication on any of the software I've used (system prefs/sound and audacity, now itv). I managed to get iTV working by loading the...
  4. anothertwitch

    Need a b00st loading a kernel module

    Greetz All! I am hacking around with an old bt848 based stb tv tuner (PCI). I have iTV (a little tv watching/capture app and kernel driver) It's from someone in Germany I believe -- anyway, I can't seem to get the driver loaded. I figure this has something to do with my level of...
  5. anothertwitch

    Pending Mac Purchase

    It seems to be working really well, I'm doing a cinema4d project for school right now, I did manage to push it into a kernel (page) fault running iTunes and c4d at he same time in only 256MB ram :P That problem should go away tomorrow when the rest of the ram gets here :D Thanks for the...
  6. anothertwitch

    Pending Mac Purchase

    FINALLY! It got here, on time, within five days of my ordering it from Its badassed, its clean, looks and works great, can't wait to dump a gig of memory into it and get busy. I'm Stoked :D anotherTwitch
  7. anothertwitch

    New user switching from PC to Mac needs game advice

    The new G4 Mac is a dual proc at 1.25GHz - no I dont think I'll ever switch back. , at least not on the desktop (I use linux/X as a drop-in replacement for windows on intel boxen). The G4 is shipping with 256MB RAM but I'll bump that to 1GB after it gets here. I've been using the mac heavily...
  8. anothertwitch

    New user switching from PC to Mac needs game advice

    Greetings! :D My new G4 is on the way, and I need a quick heads up concerning games. What are/is the best fps available under panther? how about strategy? is Age of Empires available in any incarnation? How about Starcraft? Also, what about flight sims and MMORPGs? I've heard...
  9. anothertwitch

    Your favorite free games.

    Friggen Cool, my new system has twice the specs for that :) Finally, I'll have enough juice for this and UnrealTourney2K !! SAAAAAWEEEEEEEEEET :D
  10. anothertwitch

    Pending Mac Purchase

    Well I can tell you that my G41.25DP system shipped from yesterday morning at 5:45AM, and is on time for delivery sometime Tuesday. :) I guess they did have it in stock... Concerning the the relative merits of buying out on the bleeding edge vs. buying the prior latest-greatest...
  11. anothertwitch

    Pending Mac Purchase

    Yes I'm profoundly aware of the leap in bus bandwidth represents in terms of performance. However, my budget just wont accomodate the price tag of the G5 in a dual processor configuration, and dual processors are a definite requirement. From what I've seen browsing on eBay, the dual G4 at...
  12. anothertwitch

    Munged up eMac CD Drive

    Greets again all! Once again I approach the fountain of accumulated Mac wisdom :D I have a friend who has an eMac primarily for the benefit of their 4 year old daughter who inserted a small toy cd into the CD drive. Subsequently someone else attempted to insert an actual real CD into the...
  13. anothertwitch

    Hello I'm Howard And I'm A Everquest Addict

    Hahaha, I too am an EverCrack addict -- though I have been cold turkey for over two years now. I was once Arthurius, of the Disciples of Justice. It was a chapter of my life I will never forget. I still miss it, though I have found that cruising the VRML outlands of blaxxun to be a satisfying...
  14. anothertwitch

    Pending Mac Purchase

    Have been back to MacMaster's site - the $1299 unit mentioned is there, just has a combodrive instead of superdrive. Sorry for the mixup Jon :)
  15. anothertwitch

    Pending Mac Purchase

    I've recently been granted a $2K windfall by the powers that be. Since I am an arts major I figure its high time to get off the PC and into a comfy new mac. I have been looking with great admiration at the G5 line, but hey, I'm a college student and have things I need to spend money on...