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  1. B

    new programmer for Mac OS X?

    You might as well learn both. There are a lot more people who know Java and that is a HUGE reason why Apple is pushing that language now. WebObjects 5 is going to be entirely in Java. However, given a choice, I still prefer to code in Objective-C. Here's a sample of {} and [ ] usage: #import...
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    Cannot connect to ISP from X

    My experience is that setting Internet Connect for dialup 56k worked fine until one day I had a really bad disconnect. After having to turn off the computer and reboot, it simply won't connect. I can reboot into 9.1 and connect just fine. I have been wondering if the program thinks the modem is...
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    Will modem and printer ports work with Mac OS X?

    I hate to say this, but it seems that OS X does not support serial ports. It is possible that support might come out in later updates. However, I would consider getting a USB card for printers and modems. They're fairly cheap, but you would also have to get a new modem and new printer.
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    Compiling w/ project builder

    make requires the name of the file you want, i.e. make NewApp.o For make to work, you need to have a makefile available or pointed to that knows how to process your files correctly. Hope this helps.
  5. B

    Newbie Java + Project Builder questions

    PB is overkill for simple classes especially when one is learning Java, and the same is true for a lot of IDEs. I found that the easiest way to go about it is to write my classes and html files in TextEdit and save them as ascii (NOT RTF!) and then in the same directory type javac from the...
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    Java or Objective C?

    Back when I was taking Advanced C and C++ classes, I was using CodeWarrior on my PBG3 and working with a guy with a Unix background as a tutor. We found that CodeWarrior gave us a number of headaches, but that using gcc would often work better. Sometimes, it seemed to me that CodeWarrior didn't...
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    Java or Objective C?

    Both languages were designed with different goals in mind and both have different strengths and weaknesses. I have worked with both, and my preference is with Objective-C. The basic syntax is easy to pick up, but learning the libraries will be what takes the most time, which is true for both...
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    Cocoa programming manual

    to give a truly ugly example: Java: String s; int year; s = year.toString(); objective-c: [year stringValue:s]; year is the variable and stringValue is the method that puts the string format of year into s. Objective-C is a nice language that doesn't have many of the...
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    Cocoa programming manual

    O'Reilly just announced a new book on Cocoa. A starter point of reference is here: