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  1. D

    software router

    I have an sgi box, and software routing comes with irix, so there must be one for osx. Lots of people have old 486 running linux as soft routers. If anyone has an answer, let us know
  2. D

    AOL Instant Messenger

    I have not tried this yet, but here a few Unix tips. Terminal windows are case sensitive, so make sure its "aim" not "AIM" etc. second, unless you added aim to your path, it will report command not found unless u are in the directory of the program. do an "ls" to see what it is called...
  3. D

    software router

    waiting for PB to com in mail. Firstthing ive ordered form the apple store, and prob the last. Anyway, im currently using ipnetrouter from sustworks to share my cable connection over my local net. I know there are sofware routers available for unix. does PB ship with any, and has...
  4. D

    AOL Instant Messenger

    my os x is still in the mail, so i havent gotten a chance to to try this, but epicware makes a aim compatible chat client check it out and let us know danny