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  1. B

    Newbie needs help on simple app

    whatever, i am still waiting for help...
  2. B

    Newbie needs help on simple app

    SUBBOX.m: #import "subbox.h" @implementation subbox - (IBAction)add:(id)sender // it shall add 50$ to the "dept" (= textbox) { } - (IBAction)subtract:(id)sender // it shall subtract 50$ from the "dept" (=textbox) if "dept ? 0" (its not possibleto get below 0) { } @end...
  3. B

    Newbie needs help on simple app

    hi, can anyone help me on a small app? It's a cocoa application. I have created 1 NSTextField and 2 NSButton , all linked to a new instance called "subbox". Its a "subtract 50$ / Add 50$ to dept"application (everytime u click on the button ur "stash" will rise/fall) At the beginning the...