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  1. F

    Panther message.framework is useless?

    Since my posted question I have stumbled upon some frameworks that are MUCH more useful than the Message.Framework ever was anyway... The ED Frameworks have been around since pre-OSX days, and are very mature and capable. Do a google on ED Frameworks for more info.
  2. F

    Looking for a good light IDE...

    Thats true, VIM and VI are VERY well suited for coding, just about any language I can think of, but if youre used to the GUI VIM will seem very terse at first.
  3. F

    Looking for a good light IDE...

    If you liked TextPad you'll LOVE BBEdit! This is what you are looking for:
  4. F

    iChat screen name via AppleScript

    I tested the script on my iBook and it works fine. I am running 10.3.3 and iChat Version 2.0 (v145). However, I did notice that if you run the script while iChat is not running, it will open iChat and not give you the alert window. You should add an if statement to open the app first in case...
  5. F

    ZipArchive Library for Cocoa?

    Does anyone know a good library or framework or class for creating Zip archives in Cocoa? I need to zip files AND folders, and so far the best I have found was NSTask-ing out to the Zip and UnZip tools built into BSD... but when you compress with the Zip tool, you lose the Mac headers, and when...
  6. F

    Panther message.framework is useless?

    Since panther got rid of the "Internet" Preferences pane, and the Message.Framework for Cocoa looks up the outgoing mail server settings in the Internet Preferences, does this mean that the Message.Framework is now useless (At least the NSMailDelivery.h part anyway)? I ask because even though my...