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  1. H

    Processor Cooling

    PowerPC processors have RISC architecture that uses a more conservative amount of internal wiring - thus reducing the amount of heat produced. The heatsinks provided with Macs will be adiquate, unless you have fiddled with overclocking.
  2. H

    Sonnet Upgrade Problem

    After upgrading the firmware, are you sure that it was successful? What was the firmware version prior to the upgrade, and afterwards? You can find the firmware version from the Apple menu/About This Mac/More Info... I vaguely remember having to try several times to upgrade my firmware when...
  3. H

    Processor Cooling

    Why would you want to change your heatsink? Also, what is wrong with your Sonnet upgrade? How doesn't it work?
  4. H

    Cannot save as PDF from print menu!

    TommyWillB, I have no idea how this happened! I am not in the habit of changing things that work! I originally blamed it on the "Mac OS X Update" (10.3.4), but when I checked the date of the last successfully created PDF, it revealed that 10.3.4 was not responsible. Can these things just...
  5. H

    Cannot save as PDF from print menu!

    Yes. fernando.alonso, I use PDFs to store A4 sized documents in a consistent non-editable form, to capture information and pictures from the web or to print nicely formatted source code from the PCs and printers at college. I have always been satisfied with the results. Rather than describe...
  6. H

    what do you hate most about osx?

    I dislike that multicoloured spinning wheel that pops up after I save certain application files to disk. The application (Macromedia Director) saves the file, the disk stops updating and then the wheel pops up and whirls for about ten seconds. Nothing seems to happen during this time. You cannot...
  7. H

    Cannot save as PDF from print menu!

    I've solved it! It was a plist issue after all. In my Preferences folder there was a file called "" which contained a key called "PDFIsProtected". This should be set to false, othewise you cannot use either the "Preview" or "Save As PDF..." buttons...
  8. H

    How to format in MS-DOS format?

    Why not use the facilities that OSX provides "Windows Sharing" that allows Windows Explorer to access files on your Mac? I have used this, it is great, but I found it difficult to connect reliably. Perhaps one of the more experienced users could guide you in this?
  9. H

    Cannot save as PDF from print menu!

    Experiment: I copied all the plist files stored in /Users/anonymous/Library/Preferences (an account where the "Save As PDF..." buttons are opperable) into the corresponding Preferences folder of the administrator account where the buttons are not opperable, having first made a backup of my...
  10. H

    Cannot save as PDF from print menu!

    Yes, it is true of all applications. Having said that, I just tried something different, I logged in as a different user and found the "Save As PDF..." and "Preview" buttons opperable. So somehow they have been switched off for the administrator only. Does this smell like a plist corruption?
  11. H

    Cannot save as PDF from print menu!

    No, that didn't do help either. I haven't installed anything new since the loss of functionality and I haven't been playing around with any settings to see what they do, so I am baffled as to what could have caused this. Can anyone think of any diagnostic tests that may reveal what the...
  12. H

    Cannot save as PDF from print menu!

    Thanks for the advice, but it didn't solve the problem. The Software Update Log remained exactly as before, whereas the Console Log looks much happier, as follows: Console Log: Mac OS X Version 10.3.4 (Build 7H63) 2004-06-23 10:11:14 +0100 Software Update Log: 2004-05-22 00:36:04 +0100...
  13. H

    Cannot save as PDF from print menu!

    Yes, I have only one printer (HP Deskjet 980C) and I have just printed out the test page. The printing functionality has subtly changed upon each system update. I think that I lost the ability to Save As PDF from the last update "Mac OS X Update" (10.3.4). My recent update and console logs...
  14. H

    Cannot save as PDF from print menu!

    I have enjoyed saving as PDF for quite some time on Panther, but recently I noticed that both the "Preview" and "Save As PDF..." buttons were greyed out. When I check the "Save as File" option in the "Output Options" menu of the scroll down print menu, it only allows me to save in PostScript...
  15. H

    Passwords on OSX

    Thanks ex0dus. A little logic goes a long way... I thought that I had tried that? (Can't quite remember) But if worked for you, then I'll try it out the next time the need arises or I have some spare time. :D
  16. H

    Passwords on OSX

    ex0dus, the shortname problem was complicated by the fact that the account with the long shortname was the adminastrative and only account. As I understand it, you cannot delete an adminastrative account. I would never consider using a non admin account for the sake of practicality. That's why...
  17. H

    Passwords on OSX

    I have a similar problem to porteous. I leave my Mail app running on OSX 10.3 all day, and after a while it pops up with the Enter Password for Account "account name" prompt. I think that I know why this happens... Some time ago my ISP changed my account details, so I had to change my account...