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    LDAP Setup

    How can I setup the LDAP server on Jaguar to provide access to other users of my mac to my address book data?
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    Import Addresses

    hi... can someone write a apple script which reads a plain text file with the format firstname[space]lastname[tab]mailaddress[return] and save the lines to address book? thanks in advance...
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    Setting variable paper size

    I added a virtual postscript printer with Adobe Distiller PPD. I then wanted to set a custom papter size, but i couldn't because i don't know where to do that. The PPD file allows variable paper size, but how to do?
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    ace compression

    is there any tool out there which you can uncompress *.ace files on x with?
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    how to open a app as root with terminal

    in 10.0.4 i could open an app as root with terminal with open command. (after su) in 10.1 it does not work anymore. how can i do it? thanks in advance!
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    Display Sleep Time

    Is there a way to set the Display-Sleep time via Terminal?
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    MySQL & Fink

    Hi! First of all I'm a very newbie doing UNIX-things... 3 Month ago I installed MySQL manually (in using Marc Liyanage's Binary package) and it worked perfectly! However I installed recently Fink and several binary & source packages (XFree86, WindowMaker, Gimp and so forth) and MySQL does...
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    Saving a RTFD-file with NSAttributedString

    Hi! I'm a very newbie and got a simple question: NSAttributedString *attrString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@""]; [[attrString RTFDFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [attrString length]) documentAttributes:nil] writeToFile:aPath atomically:YES]; Why does that not work? (Error Msg...
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    sendmail with no domain name

    Hi! Can I use sendmail without a domail name? (I've got a adsl-connection to the internet and thus I only have a dynamic ip address...) Thanx in advance!
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    X Window Server install & configure instruction

    Hi... I want to install X Window Server on OS X 10.0.4. However I'm new to all this UNIX things. I tried to find some install AND configuration instructions on web, but I found nothing for a newbie like me. Could somebody explain me how to install and configure that? (from Download to...
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    Objective C++?

    Hi! Can Obj-C be combined with C++ in Project Builder? I mean, Obj-C and C++ code in a source file. Can it be compiled?