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  1. B

    Unreal MP doesnt work!

    1.8 ghz g5...I have tried to get the update but it accually doesnt work...
  2. B

    Network wont read airport express!!!

    yes i do have an ISP and my computer reads my bASE station fine. When i first plugged it in, my computer read it, but it flashed yellow. Now when its green, my computer wont pick it up... How do i switch to WPA with a shared key like the second forum above? Im no expert as you can see...
  3. B

    Unreal MP doesnt work!

    When every i get into Unreal 2004 MP, the game fails to load. All that happens when i click join is the screen goes black, and it says: ut2004:// (my IP).index (or something along those lines.) My firewall is off... Any help is appriciated...
  4. B

    Network wont read airport express!!!

    I hust got my airport express, but my computer wont read it. When i plug it in, everything is fine, green light stays glowing. However, when i go on my computer and click on the airport icon, all that shows up is my main source, not the express. I cant get my computer to read it. Any help is...