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  1. M

    etherPEG and ethereal?

    I have to chmod 777 /etc/bpf* before I can run these programs. Is there away I can change permissions so that I dont have to chmod the directory everytime to gain access to the network adaptors. 8
  2. M

    Adding user to group wheel

    Thank you very much. I was not adding the user correctly. I have only had a mac for about two weeks. It has been a very pleasent experience so far. I appriciate the screen shots, although in a different language they where very helpful. Now I have my user added to group wheel. Thank You
  3. M

    Adding user to group wheel

    I was wondering how to add a user to group wheel. I got to NetInfo manager and add my user to the wheel group. But when I list what groups I belong to it never lists wheel. I also tried adding my user to the groups file in /etc. Any help would be appriciated. I am not that familar with OS X...