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  1. Wally

    I have bought one more .mac , Is there anyone who need it?

    ichat : msn: 30% off sell
  2. Wally

    Hello everyone, nice 2 meet u..

    a little party ...
  3. Wally

    Hello everyone, nice 2 meet u..

    guys , have some interests in chinese? R u want to see some pictures about chinese?
  4. Wally

    Hello everyone, nice 2 meet u..

    In CHINA , we also have a lots people love mac , and use it. enjoy it. soon or later i will upload some pics , show u the mac world in china. i think i want to say something about apple, anyway , chinese goverment was bad? or good , it's has no relate . i just love apple in the macworld...
  5. Wally

    Hello everyone, nice 2 meet u..

    i am a macfan come from CHINA. i have a PB 1G 15'' and a ibook , and so many thing about apple. i love apple just as u. ::love::