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  1. A

    Airport, Eyehome and a Windows PC

    Thanks Krevinek! I'd forgotten about this post as it was some time ago. I sorted it all out quite simply in the end by enclosing the hard drive(s) in an external firewire enclosure and plugged them straight into the Mac. Now everything runs great. Got one thing to ask though, slightly...
  2. A

    Airport, Eyehome and a Windows PC

    Thanks for your replies guys. The PC has all the precautions regarding spyware and viruses and updates and scans in the early morning each day. I don't use the machine for surfing the web and there was a clean install/update of windows when I booted it out to the garage where it belongs...
  3. A

    Airport, Eyehome and a Windows PC

    Sorry this is a bit long winded, but please help, I'm going mad. I have an Eyehome media streamer sitting under my TV. This is connected to Airport Express via an Ethernet Cable. I have an Airport Extreme BS, an iMac G5 with airport and an XP PC with a D-Link Xtreme G+ PCI wireless card...