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  1. C

    Stuffit Expander in .SEA Format??

    Hey sorry I haven't been at work in a while so I haven't seen this topic. That would be great if you can e-mail me that. Here is my E-mail: *Edit*: Nevermind, somebody just solved my problem here-...
  2. C

    Stuffit Expander in .SEA Format??

    Well I tried unzipping it in winzip, then moved the files to the macintosh world, but I guess it got damaged while unzipping in windows. And SAbsar, yeah I did download 7.5.3 off Apple's website. Oh well. Maybe I should just go and buy the damn thing
  3. C

    Stuffit Expander in .SEA Format??

    Hmm.. I didn't think of that Brian.. good idea. Sadly, I can't open the file in resedit, because in order to download resedit, I would need to unstuff it, which leads us back to point A in this evil circle. :(
  4. C

    Stuffit Expander in .SEA Format??

    Hmm. SAbsar.. you have a point. And a very valid one at that. I did manage to find a .sea version of stuffit, but to no avail, as my OS did not recognize it. But I have done this before in the past, I just forgot how. Any other ideas?
  5. C

    Stuffit Expander in .SEA Format??

    Ok. First, I am running an ancient operating system (System 7.5.3) Actually, I'm running it under an emulator. I am stuck in a vicious chicken and egg cycle, where I need stuffit expander to open .sit files that I download, but when I download stuffit expander, IT IS ALSO IN .SIT format. Catch...