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  1. L

    Beginner needs help with Airport Express/D-link 300T

    What about security on your base station? Is it only allowing access from certain mac addresses? If so, then you must put in the mac address of wire wifi card into the base station to allow you access..
  2. L

    DVD/CD writer for MAC

    quite literally makes no difference, I normally buy either samsung or sony.
  3. L

    Unable to ssh from mac-to-mac

    Sounds like your ssh key is corrupted. Use duffs idea. That should work.
  4. L

    Uploading Multiple Files in Terminal

    Wouldn't mput -Rf work better??
  5. L

    Relative Symbolic Link

    did you try "ln -l" which makes a "soft" symlink...
  6. L

    Demons in my display D:

    I don't know much about ubuntu, but I assume that it is using Xfree or Xorg. Basically what you will need to do is go into /etc/X11/ and edit (with vi or emacs) the relevent .conf file to match the specs of your screen. Just make sure that you set it properly or you could damage your screen.
  7. L

    Linux and Mac.

    There is also a version of Suse Linux for PPC that is available as a free download from
  8. L

    What if I simply ripout emacs???

    Will never do that, I use VI daily!!!!
  9. L

    What if I simply ripout emacs???

    Well, I simply rm -Rf the /usr/share/emas directory and so far so good, and I also recovered about 60MB of space....
  10. L


    AFAIK Hitachi are now effectively IBM`s , I hav three of them and I haven`t had any trouble. In fact, my two biggest headaches at the moment are Maxtor, and Seagate (not the SCSI ones). So to some it up, I think that he is toalking rubbish, and rather ask a technician, not a salesman.
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    What if I simply ripout emacs???

    Not compared to vi it ain`t :D Well, I`ll give it a bash and let you guys know, if you are interested of course :D
  12. L

    What applications to use with X11? Suggestions and reviews

    Hmm, anybody got evolution to work yet?? Are there noarch sources available??
  13. L

    What applications to use with X11? Suggestions and reviews

    Running OpenOfice 1.1.2 here on my iMac 400 with 10.3.8 512MB RAM, and works really well. No Fink, just X11
  14. L

    What if I simply ripout emacs???

    Are there any dependancies on it? I mean the app is pretty bloat and I am a vi user anyway, and emacs is hogginf 58MB (give or take) of space on my system. TIa L :confused: