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  1. P

    dialogs comming from the window title

    You use the command in the moment you want to get the sheet. - (void)beginSheet:(NSWindow *)sheet modalForWindow:(NSWindow *)docWindow modalDelegate:(id)modalDelegate didEndSelector:(SEL)didEndSelector contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo sheet can be a window you created in Interface...
  2. P

    Multiple Docks

    You're indeed missing something :-) This allows you to have multiple Dock configurations and to switch between them. One for work, one for gaming, one for home. Nice idea. I chek if it works later. However, it's not the solution to the question of this thread.
  3. P

    dialogs comming from the window title

    You have to invoke it programaticly. Currently Sheets are Cocoa-only. You can do it by [NSApp runModal:sheetname forWindow:windowname ...] or something like that. look at apple's Documentation on NSApplication. Hope this helps you.