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  1. X

    Insufficient privileges (Admin PW problems)

    I don't know where to start. I've tried a number of the suggestions in the other posts below, but just can't get into my HD1. I inadvertently deleted some folders from Library (but did put them back). I thought they were doubles. I re-booted from my Snow Leopard install DVD (hold down C). I...
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    Safari and Firefox strange google requester...

    Hi, Recently when going to SOME web sites (using either Safari or Firefox). the web site I'm looking at is accessed for a few seconds...and then it seems to re-direct with a blank page showing, "waiting for". When I click left arrow to go back. The web page is...
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    DVD disk won't eject!

    I put a DVD disk in and can't eject it. I get the eject icon on the screen but nothing happens. How can I get the disk out? The DVD disk was recorded on my HardDisk Recorder (downstairs) from cable TV. The format is VR mode. That's the HDR recording mode here in Japan when recording from...
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    Finder (Help)

    Hi, Using MacPro OSX 10.6.4 using Finder (Help) from the menu. I type in for example "Disk doesn't eject". It gives me a list, but when I click on the Help Topic "Can't eject a DVD disk" Nothing happens? Can anyone guide me to what's wrong and how to fix it? thanks
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    DVD recorders(Ext/Internal) & Questions!

    Thanks for the quick reply. Wow I'm really surprised that I can't just connect an external DVD recorder and it can't be seen by my Mac, in the same way as a Hard Drive would. I've checked the Lacie DVD recorders and they are compatible with Mac. But, they come with Roxio software. and I...
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    DVD recorders(Ext/Internal) & Questions!

    I need to buy an external (unless an internal DVD recorder is a good option such as a SuperDrive) to put some movies, videos, software on because my 3 Hard Drives are getting FULL. I was thinking also about buying a DVD/HDD (Hard Disk Recorder) so, I'm wondering if a DVD disk made with an...
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    Can DVD/HDD recorder be used/connected to G4

    Hi, MacG4 double 2 x 1.25Ghz, OSX10.3.8, 1,792 ram, 200/80/60 G hard drives. First off I live in Japan. Basically America has the same models but the Japanese have much larger hard disks. For example: The largest Pioneer in the U.S. is 80G and here in Japan they have 600G. And...