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  1. P

    Trick: Restart from AQUA

    I just discovered this neat trick : After pressing the "power key", you get the usual dialog to shutdown or close the session. If you type "r", the Mac restart ! (at least, mine does)
  2. P

    Java programming apps

    I tried that immediatly... with no effect. To answer the question, MacOS X is a UNIX. Therefore it has environment variable. But anyway, it should be of no use with Java 2 SDK Did you manage to install forte on MacOS X ?
  3. P

    Java programming apps

    In fact, I don't get any error messages. I just get an empty window, with a gray background and nothing else. Once, I have seen Install anywhere logo, but that is all. New : now, I get the following message : Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: forte_ce_1_0_2
  4. P

    Java programming apps

    I tried to install Forte, the Java environment from Sun, but the install doesn't seem to launch correctly for me... You can try, to see if you are more lucky : Use the generic Class one.
  5. P

    Apache working !

    Ok, it is easier, but it is on the network panel, that's why I didn't see it at first.
  6. P

    Apache working !

    I just tried Apache and it work great ! Just go into a terminal, and then : %su - Type the root password (your password by default) then: %apache -c "ServerName the_name_of_your_computer" to get the name of your computer, use the profiler to get the IP number, and type : % nslookup...