Search results

  1. M

    bizarre stumper: random iBook beeping

    Okay, 500MHz dual-USB iBook (i.e. 2002-3 vintage iBook), fresh install of OS X 10.3.9. Here's the issue: The computer beeps at random intervals, and -- - It makes the noise even if the speakers are set to Mute; - It is not the System beep sound (it sounds like the Old OS 8/9 default...
  2. M

    Tiger on an iMac G4

    I have a very similar system to yours. I have an iMac G4 - mine is slower, with an 800MHz CPU and a 100MHz System Bus, but I have a bit more RAM - 768MB, compared with your 512MB. Tiger runs great on my machine. It's faster than Panther in some respects, and about the same speed in others. It...