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  1. D

    Dragging into an NSTableView

    Ooooh, I get it. got the propertyListForType: thing working, it now adds the files I drop. Many thanks! :D Just gotta parse the file path for the name alone and tidy it a bit.
  2. D

    Dragging into an NSTableView

    I was indeed calling it in awakeFromNib. Got messages flying around now, cheers. Can't seem to work out how to get the filename from the operation :/
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    Dragging into an NSTableView

    I'm trying to implement an app with a playlist in, and want to be able to drag a file into it from the Finder. I've called [tableView registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]] but I don't know if that's the right call? I've also implemented -...
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    Nag Screen...

    We have a winner! :D
  5. D

    Nag Screen...

    Hi all. I'm making a little app, and wanted a message to pop up each time it's loaded. I used the NSRunAlertPanel to raise a dialog with an OK button. No problem. But for some reason, when the Alert panel closes, the focus doesn't go to the mainWindow as it does when the NSRunAlertPanel line...
  6. D

    Advice on how to learn C / Objective-C

    Re: ObjC on Windows - for just basic Objective C stuff, nothing from Foundation, you can use Cygwin. When installing, make sure you install all the relevant libs. I think you have to go into Development->GCC (Look for anything mentioning Objective-C in there). That's how I've been practising at...
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    Yeah, everything I've ever used that's got an IDE to make the interface includes toolbars in that, seeing as they're visual controls. Ah well. Yet something else to get used to :)
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    Viro: Started in BASIC on the Commodore 64, then QBasic on DOS, then VB on Windows - was NOT impressed, moved to Delphi about 4 years ago, been there since. btoth: Thanks for the example, I'll have a bash at a toolbar tonight. Really disappointed you have to do it all in code, though.
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    Advice on how to learn C / Objective-C

    I'll vouch for that book, too. That's one of the ones I'm reading. It starts off nice and slowly, introducing new ideas one by one. I meant ObjC is weird in that object methods are called in a completely new way: objInstance = [[myObject alloc] init]; [objInstance setIntegerValue: 10]...
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    Arses! I need to set aside a few days and plough through my books. :( Damn! Cocoa is hard.
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    Advice on how to learn C / Objective-C

    Buy some books :) I have 2 that i'm working through - Learning Objective C, and Cocoa programming for Mac OS X. Objective C is really weird, but just needs some adjusting.
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    OK, so, looking at this page: There's an NSToolbar class. However! There's no mention of it in the Interface Builder (Classes Tab). WTF is going on? Oh, oh! And NSDrawer... I...
  13. D

    Creating A Browser

    Spot on. Cheers. Look out for new thread in a few seconds, though ;)
  14. D

    Creating A Browser

    I read once that you can make a browser in XCode without writing a single line of code, all done in the interface builder. I'm assuming you use the WebView component, but that's just a guess. Anyone know what I'm talking about - and how it's done? Ta.
  15. D

    REALLY simple question

    Winner! That worked. Thanks for everyone's help, I seem to be able to make some things happen now. Next plan is to make a global hotkey app for controlling iTunes (Like Winamp 5 does now). Command-Option-Ctrl-Right Arrow for next track, anyone? :)
  16. D

    REALLY simple question

    That's odd, I assumed it would be the same as C and it didn't work. Also, if i send my "" to anyone, it doesn't work, how useless is that? (I assume there's something that needs doing?) error: 'for' loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode. !!! [edit!] Looks like you...
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    REALLY simple question

    Is there an IRC room anywhere with cocoa developers in, do you know?
  18. D

    REALLY simple question

    Yeah, that's all the basic stuff I need to read about really. And loops! I dunno how to do a for loop! lol.
  19. D

    REALLY simple question

    ooooh and has anyone used the NSLevelIndicator ? I've set the maxValue and minValue, but setValue doesn't appear to apply?
  20. D

    REALLY simple question

    I'll have a browse through those. Turns out the outlet wasn't connected, that's why nothing was happening. (d'oh!). But now I have a messagebox coming up, cool! I was expecting it to be one of those roll-out ones, like in Safari (Bookmarks, Add Bookmark). I really need to get right...