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  1. D

    Dragging into an NSTableView

    I'm trying to implement an app with a playlist in, and want to be able to drag a file into it from the Finder. I've called [tableView registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]] but I don't know if that's the right call? I've also implemented -...
  2. D

    Nag Screen...

    Hi all. I'm making a little app, and wanted a message to pop up each time it's loaded. I used the NSRunAlertPanel to raise a dialog with an OK button. No problem. But for some reason, when the Alert panel closes, the focus doesn't go to the mainWindow as it does when the NSRunAlertPanel line...
  3. D


    OK, so, looking at this page: There's an NSToolbar class. However! There's no mention of it in the Interface Builder (Classes Tab). WTF is going on? Oh, oh! And NSDrawer... I...
  4. D

    Creating A Browser

    I read once that you can make a browser in XCode without writing a single line of code, all done in the interface builder. I'm assuming you use the WebView component, but that's just a guess. Anyone know what I'm talking about - and how it's done? Ta.
  5. D

    REALLY simple question

    I've been all over the internet tonight (well... Google has on my behalf), and I can't for the life of me find out how to do the simplest of tasks in XCode. I'm really getting fed up. Can anyone tell me a few things / share a simple Hello World Objective-C App? I'm awaiting a book to come...