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  1. J

    OS X on a Beige G3/Tips for new OS X users

    I'll tell you what little I know... Have you noticed how, when you update the machine it says "Optimizing System," sometimes for a looong time? It's apparently prebinding. What is prebinding? Good question. Here's what the description from XOptimize says: "Xoptimize performs the same...
  2. J

    OS X on a Beige G3/Tips for new OS X users

    I've been running OS X on my Beige G3 for about a month now, and I LOVE it! Everyone's complaining about speed... I work on a G4 running OS 9 at work, and yes, the G3 running OS x is slower; but it's certainly VERY usable, and now all that much slower in comparison. Especially considering I'm...