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  1. J

    Disappearing XP Pro in Virtual PC 7.0.2

    Have used Virtual PC w/ XP Pro since obtaining my PowerBook last June. Use it to sync my Treo with Lotus Notes, since there is no Mac synchronizing app even thought the Mac Lotus Notes client works really well (for Lotus Notes). During the past 3-4 weeks, without warning and with no traceable...
  2. J

    Installing a Linksys Access Point using a Mac

    BVGuitarPlayer, I use a Linksys WRT54G which has the integrated router. Try for the address. Then try admin for the user and password both (and then reset immediately). If the prior owners didn't change the security settings you should be able to get in. Once in, it is pretty...
  3. J

    IE in Virtual PC won't connect to the internet

    Perseus, if you are still struggling with this, make sure you are using Shared Networking and then make sure that your TCP/IP setting in Network for Ethernet Card is set to "Using DHCP". Anything else and I could not connect to the Internet. Good luck.