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  1. b4tn

    Stumped! Airport extreme, Wireless internet crawls Wired Flys

    So Recently I have this issue where when I am connected to the base station wireless I get download speeds of 5Mb but when I connect direct via Cat 6 I get 15Mb. It used to be fine I would get 15-20Mb when wireless. I did some testing with a 100MB image. I transferred the image to several...
  2. b4tn

    How can I use my iphone/ipod as an apple tv?

    With the release of the remote app it got me thinking. Why cant we dock the ipod at our tv, access an itunes library and listen too or watch TV shows over our local wlan? I found several alternatives but my crappy DSL is not fast enough to upload data from my PC to a web server so my iphone...
  3. b4tn

    quicker dvd movie burning???

    I am a movie junkie! I have bought hundreds of DVD's and have them sorted filed and sorted by genre. The problem is that many of the movies are movies that my kids (5 and 9) want to watch also. Many times early on weekends or when I am away for work they have ruffled through my collection and...
  4. b4tn

    Macbook Pro not sleeping when lid is closed.

    I'm not complaining I like it better like that but before this was not an option. Is this new with 10.4.8? If it is I cant find the pref. Anyone else notice this?
  5. b4tn

    Revised mag safe connector?

    For some reason I was thinking it was 90 days. I will have to look into it. Apple wont ship to my address in Germany so I have to have it shipped to my dad and have him mail it to me. I dont want to be so long without a computer. Maybe they will honor my warranty at the German Apple store?
  6. b4tn

    Revised mag safe connector?

    My magsafe connector lasted all of about 3 months before the little pins inside lost their tension. I have to play with it to get it to charge. The replacements are not cheap, have they revised them at all so they dont break? I dont want to spend nearly $100 for a power adapter that will only...
  7. b4tn

    Any ideas why this is happening?

    From a cold start or a reboot client machine will log in but when trying to sync gets a network home not available. klist is showing no kerberos tickets issued. If you log off and log back in or mount an AFP shairpoint and do a klist tickets are issued and all works as it is supposed to do...
  8. b4tn

    Cant get it working

    Got it working, and it turned out to be my own bonehead mistake. I knew it was going to be something simple. I forgot to create records for the computers. Once they where created issue was resolved and I was receiving tickets just fine. I am having a password policy issue though maybe you...
  9. b4tn

    Cant get it working

    Thanks for the help 1. Time skew? Use the same NTP for all boxes. Anything more than a couple minutes will fail this. Double and tripple checked that. Both the server and the Power book are set to the same time server. I have toyed with the idea of setting the server up as a time...
  10. b4tn

    Probably a stupid question.

    I created a more detailed and related thread here thanks
  11. b4tn

    Cant get it working

    I am at my wits end. I have never tried networking macs and I swear I am going crazy. Over the past few days I have got pretty far but I am stuck now. This is step by step what I am doing. Install 10.4 server when the assistant starts Disable IPv6 enter my NAT IP, Subnet...
  12. b4tn

    Probably a stupid question.

    Something is wrong with the diradmin account. I cant find where this account actually is created either. This is not the first time this has happened. It seems to be related to me joining a windows computer to the directory. Last time I re-installed the server lol. I dont want to re-install...
  13. b4tn

    Probably a stupid question.

    This is getting really frustrating! I have never had so much troubles setting up a server before. Granted I know nothing about unix or the mac server environment :lol: I wanted to check what you said but I delated the user account. I went to create a new one and now I cant create accounts...
  14. b4tn

    Probably a stupid question.

    I am logging into an an OSX 10.4 ODM with an OSX 10.4 machine I have Kerberos enabled and and all seems to work but the only way I can access any kind of AFP share is if AFP guest access is turned on. If I disable kerberos authintication AFP works fine if guest access is turned off. Is...
  15. b4tn

    Problems loading Kerberos

    Thanks, setting the hostname manually seemed to do the trick!
  16. b4tn

    Problems loading Kerberos

    Just an update. I trashed a bunch of preferences and that seemed to fix the DNS issue. Terminal is now showing the fully qualified domain name after typing hostname, the kerborize button is back, and nslookups still work. But Kerberos is still stopped. When I click it it asks for a admin...
  17. b4tn

    Problems loading Kerberos

    I am trying to set the OSX server as the open directory master. Once kerberos is started I will work on having both windows and OSX clients joining. After setting it to master, setting the diradmin password, the qualified domain auto fills in and is correct based on the DNS server...
  18. b4tn

    Problems loading Kerberos

    We may be setting up an OSX Server at work so I have brought a machine home to test and learn on. I have OSX Server 10.4 installed on the server. I have a few PC's and one Power book and I am trying to get the active directory working. I have been trying to get Kerberos working for a couple...
  19. b4tn

    Itune wont authorize video copied from PC to mac

    I purchased a TV series on my PC. I copied all the movie files to my Mac and copied them to the video directory of itunes, when I try to play them I get an error that sais the song is not authorized on this computer. itunes will open and it will prompt for a user and password. I tunes is...