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  1. D

    Pinging myself doesn't work

    Can you post a copy of the ping results? I'm specifically interested in why ping fails, is it no route to host? Or host not available? Also, can you post a copy of the results of the "ifconfig lo0" and "netstat -rn" commands? Thanks, alex
  2. D

    What OS for my work PC ???

    Ugh. softupdates, baby. fast as async, and safe, too. =) -alex
  3. D

    portscan from the CLI

    download, compile and install nmap (from, then do: % nmap nmap is absolutely the best port scanner available. don't settle for anything less. check out the man page ('man nmap')for all of the interesting options, or do 'nmap --help' for a...
  4. D

    GNU-Darwin ports not working?

    have you tried using gnu make instead of bsd make? considering that it's a gnu compilation, i'd guess they're building their makefiles against gnu make. try 'gmake' instead of 'make'. -alex
  5. D

    How do I setup a DNS Server - Primary, Secondary

    You'll need to use bind. Go to, download the source, and compile it. Then go to the bookstore and pick up a copy of "DNS and BIND" the O'Reilly book on configuring and setting up DNS. -droid
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    AppleShare (or why doesn't macosx work like *nix)

    I can't help with the AFP stuff, sorry. But if you want to get NFS mounts done at boot time, you need to configure them with NetInfo. OS X will honor an /etc/fstab file for physical mounts, hds and sds, but NFS and AFP mount-at-boots need to be defined in NetInfo. Create a new...
  7. D

    Application Folder Lock Out!!

    don't forget to go back and do: % sudo chmod o-w /Applications You don't want non-administrator (ie guest-level) accounts being able to write into the /Applications folder. -alex
  8. D

    Application Folder Lock Out!!

    User accounts which can administer the system fall into the "admin" unix group. In order to write to the /Applications folder with an "admin" user, the permissions need to be: drwxrwxr-x <- permissions tuuugggooo <- key The characters in the key mean: t = type (d for directory, -...
  9. D

    Cocoa vs. Python

    python has been ported to MacOS carbon (works fine in 9.x and OS X) as MacPython: and has also been compiled from the unix source against the OS X bsd layer: There is work in progress to combine the two into a single...
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    Cocoa vs. Python

    Err, well, python's not really a 'new' programming language, I've been using it since 1999. But it is a fantastic language, I'd recommend any developer consider using it. With full, built-in OO support it makes for a great OO rapid development/prototyping language, jython (python reimplemented...
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    SNMP in OS X

    Try Dartware's net-snmp port, made by the same people who did InterMapper. It's got most of the MIBs you'd expect from a net-snmp port, and includes snmpwalk. HTH, alex
  12. D

    Compiling GAIM for OS X

    try % cd {build dir} % rm config.cache % make clean % ./configure --disable-nls % make % sudo make install nls is the gnu internationalization stuff, which is probably what is trying to #include libintl.h. you probably don't need it, so disable it. most modern gtk/gnome...
  13. D

    root perms and performance issues

    This is a very, very bad idea. Use sudo to emulate the root environment. Apple has restricted the root account on purpose, and with good reason. Running around as root, doing whatever you please, making directories, editing files, deleting stuff, etc, is a one-way ticket to disaster. It also...
  14. D

    OS X on a Sun blade 100 desktop

    You're either running 2.5, 2.5.1, or 2.6. Sun didn't release Solaris 2.5.6. There are a few good sun resources you should be aware of. First is the sun-managers list. The archives for this list will answer 95% of any questions you might have. Second is, which has almost all...