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  1. B

    du vs df - misreported disk usage on OS X?

    Hi - have an Xserve head node with 3x233Gb disks in. All disks have the same name 'Portal' At the moment OS X is telling me that (well before I rebooted) that disk usage on one disk was 100%. However I cannot for the life of me tell where this space is going! I had a Users home...
  2. B

    OpenDirectory authentication no longer works for users

    OK this is how i resolved this issue. Simpler than I thought. Opened up the Directory Access application. Noted that Authentication was searching a Local path for Directory Node /Netinfo/root. Changed this to a custom path, and added a directory node /LDAPv3/ Problem...
  3. B

    OpenDirectory authentication no longer works for users

    Hi all, Briefly - I have an Xserve cluster (16 nodes) - The current method for authentication across the cluster is LDAPv3 (head node is an OpenDirectory master). I've been running 10.3.4 for a while, because of incompatibilities with some of the cluster software I'm running, although...