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  1. D

    Help function in apps broken

    Some time back my help subsystem under OS X stopped working. Whenever I choose "help" for applications or finder the help dialog comes up but nothing is in the help box (it's empty). Strangely enough the problem follows me as I've migrated to a different powerbook G4. Any suggestions to...
  2. D

    Testing software RAID1 on xserve

    So my boss has instructed me that I can't deploy the new xserve until I demonstrate that it can survive a disk failure using the software RAID 1 configuration. So...... Assuming my procedure is to open the xserve while its running and I disconnect my primary RAID 1 disk....what SHOULD...
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    Dfw-vl500 Sony Camera

    I actually got this thing to work (it seems to work with the standard OS X Firewire driver - and the IOexperts driver). But for the life of me I can't understand how you are supposed to control brightness and contrast! I've found the manual on the web which specifies control signals for these...